Ready for Spring Break 2023

We maximized our instructional time as we headed into Spring Break 2023. We got another visit from Mrs. Gillette, role played key events from the American Revolution, finished our latest Doodles project and completed our first assignments on Writable. We also acknowledged Pi Day and Reading Week, which was punctuated by reading with a flashlight.

A lot of Snow and a lot of Learning

We’ve been busy and got a lot done, despite all of the snow we have been contending with. We have worked through our core content areas, integrated art, and spent extra time on fluency through Reader’s Theater. We had a classroom auction, this time student-led, and opted into Nevada’s Reading Week. We even had a chance to visit with our kindergartners and show off our ability to read with prosody. (If you are unfamiliar with the term, the students can catch you up!)